Richard Wagner, Siegfried, Brünnhilde
Richard Wagner, Die Walküre, Brünnhilde
Richard Wagner, Der fliegende Holländer, Senta
Richard Wagner, Die Walküre, Sieglinde (part studied, not performed)
Benjamin Britten, Albert Herring, Lady Billows
Engelberg Humperdinck, Hänsel und Gretel, Mutter
George Bizet, Carmen, Mercédès
Roles in preparation
Richard Wagner, Götterdämmerung, Brünnhilde
Richard Wagner, Tristan und Isolde, Isolde
Giacomo Puccini, Turandot, Turandot
Art Songs
Richard Wagner, Wesendonck Lieder
Richard Strauss, Vier letzte Lieder
Edvard Grieg, Various songs
Jean Sibelius, Various songs
Wilhelm Stenhammar, Various songs
Sacral Works
Gioacchino Rossini, Petite Messe Solennelle, soprao
Johannes Brahms, Ein deutsches Requiem, soprano
Felix Mendelsohn, Symphony no.2 “Lobegesang”, soprano 2
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Requiem, soprano
Contemporary Works
Simon Berggården, Ljuset genom bladen, for soprano, french horn and organ (first performance)
Simon Berggården, Phantasmagoria, Liv, operatic scene for three voices and Pierrot-ensemble (first performance)
Petter Ekman, Purer air than mortals, George Mallory, short opera for three voices and small orchestra (first performance)
Joel Engström, Om människan, Gud, short opera for three voices and small orchestra (first performance)
Simon Berggården, Jag är inte här, for soprano, multi percussion and flute (first performance)